What is the best protein powder without fake sugar?

drink wholesome is the best protein powder without fake sugar. It is naturally sweetened with either maple sugar or monk fruit. Order samples to see if our protein powder without fake sugar is right for you. 

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drink wholesome is the protein powder without fake sugar.

Written by Jack Schrupp & endorsed by Baylee Reller, RDN

What is fake sugar?

“Fake sugar” is a colloquial term used to refer to sugar substitutes used to sweeten foods and beverages without the added calories and carbohydrates found in natural sugars. Most fake sugars are many times sweeter than sugar, so only a small amount is needed to achieve the same level of sweetness. The two most common types of fake sugars are artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols.

Artificial sweeteners are synthesized through chemical processes. There is nothing real about them. The most common artificial sweeteners used in protein powders are sucralose and acesulfame potassium. Sugar alcohols, on the other hand, are neither sugar nor alcohol in the traditional sense. They are naturally occurring, but commercial sugar alcohols are chemically derived. The most common sugar alcohol used in protein powder is erythritol.

Many people also consider stevia and monk fruit to be fake sugars, which is debatable. Both are natural sweeteners made from plants, but they do not contain sugar. I would not put them in the same category as artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols, as they are far better for you, but they are not sugars either.


Why is fake sugar bad for you?

Fake sugars like artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols, despite their tempting benefits, are not healthy. First off, several studies show little to no relationship between weight loss and the use of fake sugar. That is, people who replace sugar with sugar substitutes sweeteners lose, on average, fewer than two pounds.

One study found that people who use fake sugar actually gain weight because they binge after having “saved calories” with their diet soda, sugar-free ice cream, etc. Another study discovered that eating fake sugars causes sugar cravings, which is the last thing you want if you are trying to lose weight.

There are other health-related reasons to avoid fake sugar. For instance, researchers have found that the regular consumption of fake sugars can disrupt the composition of your gut microbiome – the collection of microorganisms living in your gut. This can, in turn, cause glucose intolerance, an umbrella term for metabolic conditions like type 2 diabetes that cause higher than normal blood glucose (sugar) levels.

A dysbiotic gut microbiome is also a leading driver of inflammation in the body, and linked to the onset and development many chronic diseases. If this is not a good reason to avoid fake sweeteners, I do not know what is. 

What is the best protein powder without fake sugar?

Instead of using artificial sweeteners like aspartame, we sweeten our vanilla and chocolate protein powders with maple sugar. Maple sugar is derived from the sap of sugar maple trees, and stands out as one of the most natural sugars, offering a range of distinctive health benefits.

To begin, maple sugar has a lower glycemic index than refined sugar, meaning it has a smaller impact on blood sugar levels. This can help with weight management and reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Maple sugar, unlike its refined sugar, also contains minerals and antioxidants that combat inflammation, the silent killer in cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions.

Maple sugar is not only one of the most natural sugars on the planet, but it is also among the most delicious. It has a rich, caramel flavor, and no aftertaste. Fake sugars, on the other hand, activates bitter taste receptors in addition to sweet taste receptors. This is why protein powders sweetened with sucralose taste so bad.

If you are looking for a protein powder without fake sugar, you have come to the right place. We make two only a few protein powders sweetened with real sugar, and you can taste and feel the difference – no more bitter aftertastes or trips to the bathroom. Order samples to see for yourself.


easy to digest

“I used a combination of chocolate & peanut butter in my smoothie and holy cow, they are SO good! I was honestly a little skeptical of how they would taste, especially with the monk fruit, but they blew me away. No artificial taste or weird consistency like so many other powders I’ve tried. And the ingredients are top notch 👌🏼” – Ron

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This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. drink wholesome is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
