What are the best protein shakes without sucralose?

drink wholesome makes the protein shakes without sucralose using either maple sugar or monk fruit. Order samples to see if our sucralose-free protein shakes are right for you. 

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drink wholesome makes the best protein shakes without sucralose.

Written by Jack Schrupp & endorsed by Baylee Reller, RDN

What is sucralose?

Sucralose, a zero-calorie artificial sweetener, has found its way into many protein shakes. It was accidentally discovered in 1976, and rose to fame in the early 2000s thanks to Splenda, the sweetener in the little yellow packet.

Sucralose is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, without any of the calories. Although this might make it seem like a magic bullet, the reality is quite different.

Why should you avoid sucralose?

Despite its appealing advantages, sucralose is not a healthy sweetener choice. Here is why:

  1. Limited weight loss benefits: Studies have shown little to no relationship between low-calorie sweeteners like sucralose and significant changes in body weight. People who switch from sugar to low-calorie sweeteners, such as sucralose, tend to lose less than two pounds on average.
  2. Potential weight gain: Surprisingly, some studies suggest that people who consume low-calorie sweeteners might end up gaining weight. This occurs because people tend indulge themselves after having “saved calories” with their diet soda, sugar-free ice cream, etc
  3. Sugar cravings: Artificial sweeteners, including sucralose, can actually lead to sugar cravings. This can result in a counterproductive cycle where individuals consume more sugar to satisfy their cravings.
  4. Gut health concerns: Researchers have shown that artificial sweeteners can disrupt the balance of your gut microbiome, potentially leading to glucose intolerance. Glucose intolerance is a broad term for metabolic conditions like type 2 diabetes, characterized by higher-than-normal blood glucose (sugar) levels. An imbalanced gut microbiome is also a significant contributor to inflammation and is associated with the development of various chronic diseases.

In summary, while sucralose may seem like a healthy alternative to sugar, it comes with potential downsides related to weight management, sugar cravings, and the health of your gut microbiome. These factors should be taken very seriously when making choices about sweeteners in your diet.

What is are best sucralose-free protein shakes?

Instead of using artificial sweeteners like sucralose, we sweeten our protein shakes with either maple sugar or monk fruit. Both are delicious, natural sweeteners, each with its own unique benefits.

Maple sugar comes from the sap of maple trees, and stands out as one of the least processed sugars. It also has distinct health advantages, including:

  1. Lower glycemic index: Maple sugar boasts a lower glycemic index than refined sugar, meaning it has less of an impact on your blood sugar levels. This can help with weight management and decrease the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties: Maple sugar contains minerals and antioxidants that play a role in reducing inflammation, the silent killer link to conditions like cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Monk fruit, also known as luo han guo, is a melon-like fruit from Southeast Asia, It is 200 times sweeter than sugar thanks to non-caloric compounds called mogrosides. There are several reasons why we use for monk fruit as a sweetener:

  1. Natural sweetness: Monk fruit sweetener is one of the most natural sugar substitutes. It’s made by removing the seeds and skin, crushing the fruit, and collecting the juice, which is dried into a concentrated powder. Compared to what it takes to make other sugar substitutes like stevia, this is hardly processing.
  2. Mild aftertaste: Monk fruit’s sweetness closely resembles that of sugar. Artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and stevia all have an unpleasant bitter aftertaste because they activate bitter taste receptors in addition to sweet taste receptors.

In case you were wondering, monk fruit has been used safely in Asian cuisine for centuries, with no known side effects, even when used in large amounts. Moreover, small randomized trials have indicated that monk fruit sweetener does not have adverse effects on blood sugar or insulin levels.

In summary, by using simple, natural sweeteners like maple sugar and monk fruit, we have made sucralose-free protein powders that are not only better for you, but also better tasting. Our monk fruit-sweetened protein powders have 0 grams of added sugar, making them a great option for people looking to manage their blood sugar. Our maple sugar-sweetened protein powders are a great option for people with gut issues who cannot tolerate sugar substitutes.


simple and delicious

“After trying several other vegan protein powders, I asked my trainer if she could recommend one that didn’t have the nasty after-taste that powders sweetened with stevia or other artificial sweeteners have. She recommended Drink Wholesome, and I love it! No after-taste! It’s my go-to now.” – Monique

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