What is the best protein powder for diverticulitis

drink wholesome is the best protein powder for diverticulitis. It is made with a short list of simple ingredients, making it perfect for people with diverticulitis and other gut issues. If you are looking to boost your protein intake without the extra processing and added junk, you have to come to the right place. Order samples to see if our diverticulitis protein powder is right for you. 

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drink wholesome is the best protein powder for diverticulitis.

Written by Jack Schrupp & endorsed by Baylee Reller, RDN

What is diverticulitis?

Around the age of 40, some people start to develop small, bulging pouches in the lining of their large intestine. These pouches are called diverticula and can become inflamed or infected, which can lead to a condition called diverticulitis. Symptoms of diverticulitis include stomach pain, bloating, and nausea. 

What is the diverticulitis diet? 

One of the best ways to prevent and treat diverticulitis is to make changes to your diet. Experts used to believe that avoiding certain foods was key, but this is no longer the case. That said, you may find that certain types or amounts of foods affect your symptoms. 

If you have diverticulitis or if you have had diverticulitis in the past, your doctor may recommend eating a high-fiber diet. Although the research is inconclusive, there is lots of circumstantial evidence that eating fiber helps to reduce diverticulitis symptoms. For instance, in parts of the world where dietary fiber intake is high, diverticulitis is uncommon, and in parts of the word where dietary fiber intake is low, like the United States, diverticulitis is common. 

Fiber softens stool which reduces pressure on the colon. It is thought that pressure can cause the development of diverticula; diverticula develop when weak spots in the outside layer of the colon give way and the inner layer squeezes through. High fiber food includes fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. The recommended daily fiber intake is 21 to 25 grams for women and 30 to 38 grams for men. 

Every gut is different, and a diet that works for one person may not necessarily work for you. If you find that a particular type of food aggravates your symptoms, avoid it. Some of the most common foods that people with diverticulitis choose to avoid are red meats, fried foods, and processed foods.  

Can I drink protein powder with diverticulitis?

Yes, you can absolutely drink protein shakes with diverticulitis. Protein shakes are a great way to meet your protein needs, which may be higher than those of other adults. Not all protein shakes are created equal, however, so you have to take precautions.

What is the best protein powder for diverticulitis?

Many protein powders are not safe for someone with diverticulitis. This may come as a surprise, but the reason why has nothing to do with the type or amount of protein; virtually any protein supplement can help you boost your protein intake. Many protein powders are not safe for individuals with diverticulitis because they contain heavily-processed added ingredients.

The majority of protein powders are made with emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, sweeteners, and flavors, all of which can cause unpleasant side effects, inflammation, and long-term damage to the gut. This is especially true for individuals already struggling with compromised gut health, so it is crucial that you choose an additive-free protein powder if you have diverticulitis. Keep reading to learn more.

Why drink wholesome

drink wholesome is additive-free.

One of the reasons why we make the best protein powder for diverticulitis is that we do not use food additives. Even in small quantities, additives can trigger an assortment of unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal bloating, constipation, diarrhea, excessive gas, and stomach pain.

The reason why these symptoms occur stems from the fact that additives look nothing like naturally occurring real foods. As a result, your digestive system struggles to fully break them down. This can lead to two scenarios: either water is drawn into your intestines, resulting in diarrhea, or the additives feed your gut bacteria, which produce gas. The accumulation of gas can cause bloating, flatulence, stomach pain, and even hinder the passage of food through your colon, ultimately leading to constipation.

Here is a list of the most common food additives in protein powder:

acacia gum, acesulfame potassium, artificial flavors, aspartame, carrageenan, cellulose gum, dextrin, dextrose, erythritol, gellan gum, guar gum, gum arabic, inulin, locust bean gum, “natural” flavors, maltodextrin, rice syrup solids, soy lecithin, silica, sucralose, sunflower lecithin, xanthan gum, xylitol

The consequences of consuming food additives over an extended period become even more alarming. Additives gradually disrupt vital regulatory pathways within the intestines, thereby contributing to the development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other systemic inflammatory disorders.

Ongoing research suggests that food additives, particularly artificial sweeteners, also possess the potential to disturb the delicate balance of the gut microbiome — the collection of microorganisms responsible for food digestion. As you can imagine, this can significantly impact your long-term gut health and make your diverticulitis symptoms worse.

the alternative:

Protein Matrix Comprised of (Whey Protein Concentrate,  Whey Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Casein, Milk Protein Isolate, Egg Albumen, Glutamine Peptides), Polydextrose, Sunflower Creamer (Sunflower Oil, Corn Syrup Solids,  Sodium Caseinate, Mono- and Diglycerides, Dipotassium Phosphate, Tricalcium Phosphate, Soy Lecithin, Tocopherols), Natural and Artificial Flavor, MCT Powder (Medium Chain Triglycerides, Nonfat Dry Milk, Disodium Phosphate, Silicon Dioxide), Lecithin, Cellulose Gum, Salt, Yellow 5, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Papain, Bromelain

drink wholesome is dairy-free.

Another reason why we make the best diverticulitis protein powder is that we do not use dairy-based proteins like whey and casein. Whey and casein, which are byproducts of production of cheese and yogurt, are notorious for triggering digestive distress. This is particularly significant for people with lactose intolerance, as they lack the enzymes required to completely digest lactose, the sugar in dairy products. As you just learned, undigested food can lead to a range of undesirable effects.

drink wholesome is made with real foods.

A final reason why we make the best protein powder for diverticulitis is that we do not use protein isolates. In contrast, the majority of protein powders utilize either one or both of these protein sources, which are essentially foods stripped of everything but the protein. Instead of being referred to as “peas” or “whey,” they are labeled as “pea protein” or “whey protein.”

Making protein concentrates and isolates involves intensive mechanical and chemical processing. In certain cases, chemical solvents such as hexane are used to extract the protein from its natural source. As a result, what becomes protein powder looks nothing like real food.

Your digestive system is naturally designed to handle minimally or unprocessed real foods, not artificial imitations. Consuming anything other than real food can, it follows, lead to adverse reactions. While the long-term effects of consuming processed food products like protein isolates are still being studied, emerging research indicates that these substances can significantly disrupt the balance of the gut microbiota, causing lasting harm to the gut.

Beyond its essential role in food digestion, the gut acts as a protective barrier against harmful pathogens, plays a crucial role in educating the immune system, and influences various physiological processes. Consequently, disruptions to the delicate balance of the gut microbiome have been closely linked to the development of chronic diseases. Considering this connection, I highly recommend avoiding protein powders made with protein concentrates and isolates.

Instead of relying on protein concentrates or isolates, we make the ideal diverticulitis protein powder with one of two simple ingredients: egg whites or almonds. Unlike protein isolates and concentrates, real food protein sources like egg whites and almonds come equipped with enzymes and natural digestive aids that help you break them down. Egg white protein powder, in particular, stands out for its digestibility thanks to its low fiber content, low FODMAP levels, and alkaline properties, which help maintain a healthy gut pH.

Furthermore, egg whites themselves boost the population of beneficial bacteria in your gut. In fact, many of our satisfied customers have reported experiencing fewer digestive issues with our egg white protein powder compared to any other protein supplement on the market.

For those who cannot consume eggs, our vegan almond protein powder emerges as the top choice among plant-based protein powders for sensitive stomachs. Almonds bring prebiotic qualities to the table, nurturing the diversity of your gut microbiome. They also promote regular and healthy bowel movements. In a nutshell, our protein powders are great for diverticulitis because they’re free from additives, dairy, and made from real foods. 


easy to digest

“I have diverticulitis and this gas been a lifesaver. It’s the only thing that I can stomach during a flare up, and it tastes amazing. Highly recommend.” – Tina

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This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. drink wholesome is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
